Thursday, March 09, 2006

Story #3 by Viruswitch:

To Kevin all that mattered was “Root”. He just had to be “Root”. All he kept thinking for the past months was: “Root”. That little word became an obsession; the obsession resulted in strange female voices that haunted his mind, especially at nights. It had been more than a month since he last saw a man, not to think of a woman.

“We are Root and we are Underground! We have the power that you seek!” The female voices insisted on hypnotizing him and then laughing at him. His enthusiasm grew and unable to resist, he followed them through the cyberspace. The Root-Fairies had taken over now, he was just an instrument.

In the past he would be aimlessly wondering through the cyber world looking for “Root” but his new underground friends, in the voices of the Root-Fairies, pointed out the location. All he had to do is work out the root-password and wait. But the fairies suddenly abandoned him. “Our work is finished here” they said. Kevin fell deeply into the dark abyss of his depression. He was devoid of divine inspiration, helpless, an insomniac, and a lot more, but yet not “Root”. Or so he thought.

There is another story on this picture by Young at Heart.


Blogger Indeterminacy said...

I love the story! Perhaps this is how the sirens of the Internet work on us (males). Or is it the Viruswitches? I felt like this narrative could happen to me!

1:52 AM  
Blogger An_Altered_State_of_Consciousness said...

I think the root password is "vxjbhg5s6764afs0_jj-546dsx"

8:46 AM  
Blogger The Mushroom said...

Tim Kiser? I hadn't seen that guy in a few years (no big loss) and wondered what happened to him. Apparently... nothing. Right where I last saw him. His mom must have taken away all the store-brand soda cans.
Mush says hi.

10:44 AM  
Blogger admin said...

@Indeterminacy: Glad you liked it, I certainly had a lot of fun writing it. I hope you never ROOT in front of a computer Indie. At least not without a sirene ;).

@An_Altered_State_of_Consciousness: I am shocked, you are root.

@endless: Oh 5h337! Do I have to solve this now *grumel*? A virus source code? A shell script? Let me sleep on it, ok?

@The Mushroom: Hi Mushroom!

11:44 AM  
Blogger admin said...

Hey, why the Links to this post doesnt work? Is it something I messed with in the settings again?

11:50 AM  
Blogger The Mushroom said...

The link for this post below is "" -- which of course is wrong. It should be ""

10:36 PM  
Blogger admin said...

Hi Mush, the weird thing is that the blog produces these links automatically, I havent set them manually and I cant edit them.

6:48 PM  

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